Bragg Gaming has partnered with Caesars Digital to develop a unique slot game exclusively for Caesars patrons.

This fresh offering, “Lady Luck Casino Egyptian Magic,” merges Bragg’s renowned Egyptian Magic game with the recognizable Caesars trademark. Gamblers in Michigan and New Jersey will be the initial players granted access.

“We are delighted to join forces with our valued associates at Caesars Digital to introduce this exclusive Lady Luck Casino Egyptian Magic game,” remarked Kunal Mishra, Chief Operating Officer for Bragg Gaming. “This release demonstrates our ongoing dedication to delivering top-tier content to our U.S. clientele.”

Matt Sunderland, Senior Vice President and Head of iGaming at Caesars Digital, stated: “Lady Luck Casino Egyptian Magic is yet another fantastic inclusion to our proprietary game collection, playable solely by our patrons at Caesars Palace Online.”

Gamers have consistently appreciated Bragg’s creations, and we are certain this latest offering will be another success.

Contact the Author

By Violet "Velvet" McIntyre

Holding a Master's degree in Topological Quantum Field Theory and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, this versatile author has a deep appreciation for the philosophical and mathematical implications of quantum field theory and their relevance for understanding the nature of reality and the limits of human knowledge. They have expertise in category theory, philosophy of physics, and quantum gravity, which they apply to the analysis of the conceptual and mathematical foundations of quantum gambling and the development of strategies to promote responsible and enlightened gambling in the age of quantum technology. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a philosophical and mathematical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to navigate the paradoxes and mysteries of quantum reality in the context of gambling.

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