Enrique Manjarres has assumed the role of Commercial Director at Crown Gaming Mexico, a branch of Novomatic. Manjarres possesses extensive expertise, having served in leadership roles at numerous notable gaming enterprises.

His professional journey commenced in 2006 as a Quality Assurance and Field Service Technician for Scientific Games, where he swiftly ascended to the position of Commercial Manager. In 2012, he moved to AGS (American Gaming Systems) as a Marketing Manager. Following his tenure as Marketing Director for the Sunny Group and GI Euromex, he joined Aurify in 2019. At Aurify, he held the title of Director of Products and Brands before being elevated to Sales and Product Director for Mexico. Manjarres earned a degree in International Relations from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) in Mexico.

“I am delighted to become a part of Novomatic, a global leader in gaming technology,” Manjarres remarked. “Novomatic is recognized for its outstanding products and ingenuity.”

I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to work with this international organization in my native land, and to utilize my abilities, background, and enthusiasm.”

Thomas Schmalzer, VP of Global Sales and Product Management at Novomatic, remarked: “Enrique’s proficiency in sales and operations makes him a significant asset to our group. I am certain that with his guidance, we can completely achieve the vast possibilities of the Mexican market and expand upon our two decades of accomplishments in the nation.”

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By Violet "Velvet" McIntyre

Holding a Master's degree in Topological Quantum Field Theory and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, this versatile author has a deep appreciation for the philosophical and mathematical implications of quantum field theory and their relevance for understanding the nature of reality and the limits of human knowledge. They have expertise in category theory, philosophy of physics, and quantum gravity, which they apply to the analysis of the conceptual and mathematical foundations of quantum gambling and the development of strategies to promote responsible and enlightened gambling in the age of quantum technology. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a philosophical and mathematical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to navigate the paradoxes and mysteries of quantum reality in the context of gambling.

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